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I run into the same thing in my hypnosis practice. A $1200-2000 price tag for six sessions is a bit steep for many and hypnosis has much less sex appeal than psychedelics. Just like with psychedelics, I'm sure the aftercare is just as important as treatment, especially in a culture that believes it can solve a lifelong issue with a single experience or pill. As you said, where is the relationship between the 'medicine' and resolution. . . and the honoring of what we know to be sacred in a capitalist system hell bent on profit, control and false guidance. It's almost like those who constructed the system don't want us to heal. . . then we might wake up and. . .

How might we develop an accessible system for holistic remediation, regardless of modality? Certainly, the need is present and great.

What structures and conditioning might have to be sloughed off in order to see that pathway? What does an authentic, expansive healing experience look and feel like? A corporate whitewashing of medicine cannot fake that, it is felt from our spirits and into our bones.

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